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Meet the Chef’s

I’m Paul Jones, Amateur Radio Operator NN4F and general SDR Junkie (I own 26 SDR Radios), I’m a Beta tester for all the SDRPlay products hardware and software, I was an early user of the initial RSP, and I created the independent Facebook groups for the SDRPlay and SDRUno with nearly 30,000 members combined, and a member of Simon Browns SDR-Console Test Team. I also work for Elad USA Inc. Head of Sales and Support for the Elad range of SDR’s, 

Mike Ladd is a SDR Techno Junkie and Licensed Amateur Operator, callsign KD2KOG, and has been a SDRPlay Beta tester, as well as a tester/reviewer for many SDR’s, Since the last version of the cookbook, Mike now works for SDRPlay in Tech Support, and he still has input into this cookbook.

Mike writes all the how-to’s, and we collaborate on the CookBook

Why is it called The Cookbook you ask?  it goes back to the early days of computer programming and hacking, any guide was referred to as a CookBook, it’s not just for food recipes